In a dynamic collaboration, Farisa teamed up with The Man Guide to craft a series of punchy web capsules that dive into the spectrum of topics crucial for men navigating their daily lives. From curating the perfect music playlist to delving into the intimate advice in the “Ask Angie Anything” segment, featuring insights from a former adult film star Angie Stevens to the culinary realm with “Feeding the Beast” with ex-navy seal and celebrity trainer Daniel Leith, these capsules serve as a comprehensive guide. The Man Guide fearlessly explores the idiosyncrasies and the Herculean effort it takes to embody the epitome of a true man’s man.

The Man guide

The Man Guide’s CrossFit Weekend WOD #3

Amparo Final

Best Sandwich In Miami

Feeding The Beast Steak WholeFoods

Feeding the Beast with Dan Leith Pan Roasted Salmon